Review: Perfect Fit Button

7 May

Okay, so if you’ve ever stayed up past 3am and watched TV, then chances are you’ve seen “The Perfect Fit Button”. The Perfect Fit Button is nothing more than, well an extra button. I first saw this when I was pregnant. Which was a little better than the rubber-band trick when it comes to busting out of your jeans. For the most part I didn’t look like a hot mess testing an innocent rubber band’s elasticity from my ever growing baby bump. I even saved money saving my “buttons” to take in some of my bigger clothes. Even though I still have all of my buttons, I can’t give this product 10 out of 10 …


To be honest, I’d just been happy if all of the buttons were just the standard “jean” design. If your really trying to hide the fact that you can’t fit in your jeans anymore, no one is going to see that you chose a lovely shade of brown to hold your pants together.

Another thing is, it was SUPER hard for me to unlatched this ultimate button. I had to literally recruit a pair of pliers to help me undo this bad boys. Not fun …

And last but not least, they left a nasty little “circle mark” on my lower stomach. The back part of the button (which is really like a giant earring), is not flat nor is it comfortable.

It’s a pretty decent product, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend it. I use it – Yes. Do I love it? Ehh …

Available now at Wal-Mart stores for around $10 and available on for around $6

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