Glitter, Glitter, Glitter

15 May

Glitter is a girl’s best friend…especially if you can’t afford diamonds! And with that, Mod Podge makes it super easy to put glitter on nearly anything.  I took the liberty to try out Mod Podge’s awesomeness on an old, dull vase of mine. This idea is really inexpensive and even cheaper if you already have the vase and/or other surfaces that need to see the gleam of glitter…
Things You’ll Need:
Mod Podge Matte Finish
Paint Brush
Vase, Picture Frame, etc.

1- Make sure the surface you’re about to glitterfly, is clean and free of any oils or dirt.
2- Mod Podge goes a LONG way, so you’ll only need just a little. I used about 3 ounces and still had plenty to use. Pour your Mod Podge in/on to something that you don’t care about ruining
*(MP dries quickly and it’s just best to avoid containers you’ll want to use in the future).
3- Pour your glitter onto the MP. I typically cannot use enough glitter, so plentiful amounts is fine.
4- Use the brush to paint the surface of your vase.
5- Cover either the whole surface or play around with different designs!
6- Let it dry. I left mine outside and it was dry in about an hour.

*Note: Mod Podge goes on foggy but it does dry clear. I was worried that my vase would have a frosted effect in between the glitter, but luckily it didn’t! So, no worries there!

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